Sunday, November 06, 2005


Wow, what a day. New Orleans in the daytime. I don't think that I will ever be able to describe the full impact that this has had on me. Or at least not for quite a long time. The scene is played out over the entire city, block after block, house after house. DESTRUCTION. The city smells like a giant garbage dump. Personal belongings and all kinds of stuff line the streets, and every street. This stuff has now sat on the street for nearly two months and the temperature today was in the 80's, or 25 deg. C Cars are pilled one on top of the other, and other vechiles are left on the side of the road. People drive them to higher ground once a storm is coming, only this time they didn't expect to have this much water. What the hurricane did not destroy, vandals have taken. Have you ever stopped to think about what makes people do the things that do ? Yesterday I was picked up @ the airport by Pastor Jay and a gentlemnan from Arizona. He was a former US soldier having served in Vietnam, and his comment was this is very similar to the environment in Vietnam during the war. For those people that think that this city is open for business and good to go, just becasue its not covered as much on CNN, the work is only beginning.




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