Saturday, December 17, 2005


I recieved several emails from friends thinking that my blog was finished, sorry for the delay in posting some info. This past week has been very busy for all of us. I am currently getting ready to go back to New Orleans in January, so there is some arranging to do before that takes place, also, I have been busy talking to various groups about my experiences in New Orleans. Trying to arrange this kind of stuff at Christmas time is hard to say the least. I spent 1 1/2 hrs. with a reporter from the Saskatoon Star Phoenix this past Monday, doing a indepth story about experiences and life in New Orleans, post Hurricane. It is appear in the Christmas eve edition of the Star, so that should prove interesting. So, again I appoligize for the delay.

Recieved an email from a great friend if mine and Christian brother today, Rob Taylor. Rob has started his own blog,, and it is really nice to see someone taking advantage of technology to promote various beliefs. Rob is a former Wolseley resident, now transplanted back in Wolseley, really cool to see. Please check out the link that I have provided, it so nice to see. Also recieved an e-mail from a gentleman in New Orleans explaining what Christmas is like this year. I will post my thoughts and comments tommorrow about Christmas, and a few other things.



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