Friday, November 18, 2005

The end of the week

Well, the end of the week. Hard to believe that just a week ago, I was getting ready to leave New Orleans. Like I said earlier, what a difficult week it has been. During my stay @ New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary I alomg with some of my partners were interviewed by CBS Channel 4 News, I believe by Sally Ann Robison. Anyway, I recieved a call from CBS news the other evening, wantng to now if I would a coopy of the show. So today 2 copies arrived at our home. As well, tonight a friend from New Orleans e-mailed to say that the program is at, go the right side of the monitor, follow down till you come to Eyewitness News Videos, then "Theological seminary vows to re-open" check it out. Anyway, soon more pictures.



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