Friday, November 11, 2005

This is it (again)

I really must have been tired last evening, as I said that last night was my last posting from New Orleans. Well anyway, tonight is the last one, or at least for a while. I will continue to make entries to my blog and keep you all posted as to my goings on. Only this time all the people that I have met in New Orleans will be following as well. So again, to all the people that prayed for myself and my family, sponsored me, and sent along greeting and comments, THANK YOU. To all the people that I have met from Louisiana, Kentucky, California, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina,Texas, Georgia, Florida, Missouri, Mexico, GOD BLESS YOU ALL and thanks. Thanks for letting me be a part of your lives for a week.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Bishop,

THANK YOU, thank you... for your loving concern, care, and service to those in dire need in the south of "our" country in New Orleans. What a wonderful person and neighbor you are. I was so touched and grateful to hear of your good work, time and energy that you have been pouring into a very sad situation ... I hope your time has given a few people some hope that not ALL is lost and that "we" DO care ... God Bless your family and you ... I am so amazed and thankful, Thank you with all my heart.

Forever blessed,

Melissa Elcrat
United States, CA P.S. I am a friend of your daughter here overseas! ;) Great girl! :)

8:04 am  

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