Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Another hot day

Well another day has come and gone. Not much different than previous. Some of our friends from Mississippi left for home today, so we need to find more people to help. The work is very tiring and hot, but very very rewarding. I have met so many neat people from all other the USA, all here for one purpose, to help the folks from New Orleans. Tonite was the first time that I actually got to see downtown New Orleans, very different @ night. Went out for supper with friends that I have met @ the seminary. Earlier today I had the opportunity to see "Ground Zero" the spot in the canal that actually broke that caused the flooding. The houses in the area look as though a nuclear bomb had hit them. Just the 2x4 are standing from some of the homes, there are cars in trees, large boats on the freeway. Its a horrible site, one that I will never forget.




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