Sunday, February 12, 2006

As promised

Well, its taken me this long to get it together, or at least as far as the trip to N.O. goes. Man what a site. People that think that things are going fine in New Orleans are sadly mistaken. You know, its such a shame when people, even in America, think that all is well. And the only reason for this is that the media does not cover Post Katrina. Its easy to stand in the middle of a storm, and make yourself look good, you know, like CNN. But now is when the reporters really need to be in South Louisiana and the southern gulf coast. As of Feb. 1st, areas south of New Orleans were without power, my daughter Melissa and I, along with people from the New Orleans United Way were setting up a Distribution Center, for food, water, and clothing. Can you imagine, 5 months Post Katrina. Anyway, check out some of the pictures of the devistation of the area that we were working in, and I promise, there will be more pictures shortly.



Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Just got home

So sorry that I haven't posted yet, however we just arrived home late Saturday night/early Sunday morning from New Orleans. I truly need some time to get my thoughts and the mental images of what we saw and did together first before I make an entry. I promise within the next few days I will start posting some pictures, my thoughts, etc. of the current situation in Southern Louisiana, and most importantly, the condition of the people effected by Katrina.
