Saturday, March 04, 2006

Haven't forgotten about this site

Hey everyone, just received a call the other night from a friend of mine in Southern Louisiana, and he said that they are just now finding people and homes that were destroyed by Hurricane Rita. These people are very poor, no insurance, now, no jobs. I am putting together, or trying to put together a group of folks that would like to travel to New Orleans and area to be part this project. The work involved will be difficult, a lot of carrying out material from peoples homes, removing debri, etc. Very difficult work, but also very rewarding. If you would like to change not only your life, but more importantly, some else's life, then this is your chance to make a difference. I am not sure of the dates, and the price, however, if anyone is interested in been a part of this group or may not be able to travel, but would like to give financially, please contact me @:, as this is a great opportunity to serve others.

The needs are so great, for so many people. Its difficult to imagine unless you have actually been involved on a personal level. As I write this note, I look outside and see the snow falling, I can't help but think of the folks in the South. Yes, we have a Winter Snow Advisory in effect for much of this area, and it has been snowing heavily for a few hours, but, we are save inside, where it's warm, we have food, proper clothing, family. Everything that anyone needs to survive. To bad the same can't be said for the people to the South.

Anyway, please consider the request to join the team, either in person or finacially. Just drop me a line, and I will keep you all posted.

P.S. Does anyone know how to or if you can put a counter on your blog site ????



Blogger Bengoshi said...

Hi Rocky,

You can install a counter for free through

11:44 pm  

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