Sunday, January 01, 2006

Count down has begun

Well the count down has begun. Only 27 more days till I return to New Orleans, can't wait. I am simply amazed at how God has worked in life up to this point. If I said that I knew what I was going to be doing when I arrived there, it would not be true. People keep aksing me, "What are you going to do when you are down there", I have no idea. What ever is required, that is what will get done. Last night, I had the opportunity to speak @ Elim Tabernacle in Saskatoon, what an awesome experience to finally get to speak to lots of people and share my testimony about how God has been working in and thru me, this year. I also had a small opportunity to share about my ministry, and I could not believe the response that I recieved. It is truely amazing to know that there are so many people out there want to help others. Really cool. I most amazing part of the evening was when people in the congregration were able to share, their personal testimony's about the work of God in their lives. Very humbling to say the least, and very uplifting.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all those that read this blog.



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