Sunday, December 18, 2005

So this is Christmas

Yesterday I said that I had gotten a message from a person in New Orleans, describing Christmas, and I thought that I would post his comments. However, I don't think that is fair to write his words, but if he should like to post them on this site, then he is free to do it. One can only imagine what Christmas must be like for many, many individuals living not only on the South Coast of the USA, but also in areas that are ravaged by earthquakes, flooding, and especially war. Can you imagine waking up one day, with a house or appt., job, family only to have everything gone or destroyed. A week later or less, wake up in a new city, possibly no job, no family, needing to make new friends, learn a new life style. That's what many evacuees from New Orleans and south Mississippi have had to do. I truly wonder if the term, "Merry" Christmas really is as merry for them as alot of us. We are very very fortunate to be able to drive to a Mall, with our families, go shopping, check out a movie, buy some gifts for friends and family, and all this we just take for granted. For many people this season its not about how many gifts they get or recieve, or the amount of money that was spent, its about survival. Trying to put their lifes back together again. As we are out and about this season, please pray for all those that are less fortunate. Better yet, make every day like Christmas, you know, everyone is so nice to each other during the holiday season, with greetings, gifts, and just plain friendly, and especially wanting to help the people that our less fortunate. Do you really think that those people are just less fortunate at Christmas, come on. Lets everyone extend Christmas a little longer, possibly another 364 days, it all about Love.

I was very saddened to see to the Star Phoenix run the headline, "USA to built a wall" between Canada and the US, making this something like the Mexico/USA border. When I flew to New Orleans I was very surprised to see that the clouds in the sky were the same color on the US side of the border as those in Canada, and ground was the same color on both sides of the border, and believe it or not, people actually could all communicate. (Just a little sarcassim) When I was interviewed by CBS news, I told them that it makes no difference whether your white, black, male, female, we all need to help each other out, regardless of border and regulations. Obivously, some people are yet to get the message. Some people work so hard at trying to overcome borders, walls, etc., in their towns, cities, countries, only to have a few narrow minded, power hungry people attempt to rebuild them. So, so sad.



Blogger Wolseley Online said...


Powerful insight. As a dual American/Canadian citizen I appreciate your balanced words about the two countries.

And I agree, let's celebrate Christmas all year!

12:39 am  

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