Sunday, January 22, 2006

One Week

Well, I haven't forgotten about the blog, but have been extremely busy with life, and also getting ready for the return visit to New Orleans. I am so blessed this trip to be taking my daughter Melissa with me. She has such a heart for people, so its a win win situation for everyone.

Just heard from an old friend living in B.C. via my web site, and she explained how she wanted to take in people from Hurricane Katrina, but was unable to do so. Isn't cool to know that there are so many people out there that have such big hearts. If there is anyone reading this that might have a story or testimony that they might want to share, please make sure that you contact me on this site or go to and drop me a line there. Anyway, I promise to stay in touch this week, before Saturday, as that is the day that we fly to New Orleans.



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