Saturday, December 31, 2005

A Year in Review

Cool, another year has come and gone. And what a year it has been. I'm sure that if everyone could add a sentence to this blog, explaining their year, it would be very interesting. For some this has been a very sad year, while for others, it has been a very rewarding, exciting year. And for our family, well, our year has been interesting, very interesting. For those of you that don't think that your prayers have been answered, take a moment to reflect back on this passing year, and in some way, shape or form, your prayers really have been answered.



Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

Twas the night before Christmas, and, well you know the rest of the story. My wife's family have been with us all afternoon, and just finished supper. It's always nice to have people around, and we don't always get the chance to be together. Who knows what might happen before next Christmas, if someone would have told me a year ago that I was going to lose complete vision in one eye, my daughter and I were going to be in a car accident, or I was going to be in New Orleans helping with a Hurricane, I would have never for a second believed it. The same holds true to everyone else, we sometimes take life for granted, never giving much thought to friends, family, and situations, however, when faced with personal problems we need to stop and appreciate all thats been given to us.

Yesterday I recieved a copy of the Star Phoenix, and was interested in an article that was written about myself and my trip to New Orleans. After having many articles wrote about myself, this is the first time that a jourinalist was actually telling the truth. Very nice to see. It has also generated some interest, as I will finally get to speak @ Elim Tabernacle on New Years Eve, so for those that want to see and hear about my missions trip, be there by 7 p.m. Also yesterday was a very rewarding day for myself, my wife, and a friend from work. Our floor at work decided to assist a man and his son for Christmas, we collected food and gifts for them both, and yesterday we delivered them to the appt. What a joy it was to see this young man and his Dad accept these gifts, as they did not know that they were going to recieve anything. As I said in one of my previous entries, it should be Christmas everyday. People, (and they could be your neighbours for all you know), could be in the same situation. Why do we have to wait till Christmas to always be nice ? Think about it.

So from all of our family to my friends, family, and extended family around the world, my GOD continue to Bless you this Christmas season. MERRY CHRISTMAS.


Sunday, December 18, 2005

So this is Christmas

Yesterday I said that I had gotten a message from a person in New Orleans, describing Christmas, and I thought that I would post his comments. However, I don't think that is fair to write his words, but if he should like to post them on this site, then he is free to do it. One can only imagine what Christmas must be like for many, many individuals living not only on the South Coast of the USA, but also in areas that are ravaged by earthquakes, flooding, and especially war. Can you imagine waking up one day, with a house or appt., job, family only to have everything gone or destroyed. A week later or less, wake up in a new city, possibly no job, no family, needing to make new friends, learn a new life style. That's what many evacuees from New Orleans and south Mississippi have had to do. I truly wonder if the term, "Merry" Christmas really is as merry for them as alot of us. We are very very fortunate to be able to drive to a Mall, with our families, go shopping, check out a movie, buy some gifts for friends and family, and all this we just take for granted. For many people this season its not about how many gifts they get or recieve, or the amount of money that was spent, its about survival. Trying to put their lifes back together again. As we are out and about this season, please pray for all those that are less fortunate. Better yet, make every day like Christmas, you know, everyone is so nice to each other during the holiday season, with greetings, gifts, and just plain friendly, and especially wanting to help the people that our less fortunate. Do you really think that those people are just less fortunate at Christmas, come on. Lets everyone extend Christmas a little longer, possibly another 364 days, it all about Love.

I was very saddened to see to the Star Phoenix run the headline, "USA to built a wall" between Canada and the US, making this something like the Mexico/USA border. When I flew to New Orleans I was very surprised to see that the clouds in the sky were the same color on the US side of the border as those in Canada, and ground was the same color on both sides of the border, and believe it or not, people actually could all communicate. (Just a little sarcassim) When I was interviewed by CBS news, I told them that it makes no difference whether your white, black, male, female, we all need to help each other out, regardless of border and regulations. Obivously, some people are yet to get the message. Some people work so hard at trying to overcome borders, walls, etc., in their towns, cities, countries, only to have a few narrow minded, power hungry people attempt to rebuild them. So, so sad.


Saturday, December 17, 2005


I recieved several emails from friends thinking that my blog was finished, sorry for the delay in posting some info. This past week has been very busy for all of us. I am currently getting ready to go back to New Orleans in January, so there is some arranging to do before that takes place, also, I have been busy talking to various groups about my experiences in New Orleans. Trying to arrange this kind of stuff at Christmas time is hard to say the least. I spent 1 1/2 hrs. with a reporter from the Saskatoon Star Phoenix this past Monday, doing a indepth story about experiences and life in New Orleans, post Hurricane. It is appear in the Christmas eve edition of the Star, so that should prove interesting. So, again I appoligize for the delay.

Recieved an email from a great friend if mine and Christian brother today, Rob Taylor. Rob has started his own blog,, and it is really nice to see someone taking advantage of technology to promote various beliefs. Rob is a former Wolseley resident, now transplanted back in Wolseley, really cool to see. Please check out the link that I have provided, it so nice to see. Also recieved an e-mail from a gentleman in New Orleans explaining what Christmas is like this year. I will post my thoughts and comments tommorrow about Christmas, and a few other things.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Bringing back memories

What an interesting night. I spoke with my friend, Johnny Friloux, from New Orleans this evening, man it was good to hear from him. It's surprising how friendships develop over really short periods of time. Anyway, he told me of a church in New Orleans, called the "Spanish Church" that they had been working on, ripping the gyproc (sheet rock) as its called in America, off the walls. He said that the water had been at least 9 ft. high in the church, completley destoying the church. The mold on the walls was at least 1/2 - 3/4 of a inch thick, and multi colored, everything from green to pink, to brown, almost every color. There at least 20 class rooms in the church, and all destroyed. The room of importance in the story was called the PRAYING ROOM, a room 10 x 10, now keep in mind, that there are no doors left inside the church, anyway, he said that when he entered this room ,it was as thou someone had taken a straight edge or ruler and drawn a line at the entrance to the room, as the entire praying room was as clean as snow. Pure white, on mold. Very powerful and amazing. The power of prayer. Also, just finished watching "Extreme Makeover, Home Edition" and saw areas of New Orleans and Mississippi, sure brought back lots of memories, and quite a few tears. No one will ever be able to understand what these folks are going thru, not even people that are there helping. There lives have been so drasticuly changed, some forever. When you are out Xmas shopping this season, please take time to think and pray for the people that have been effected by Hurricane Katrina, Rita, and all the other disasters that have occured around the world.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Great day

Just got a call from a friend who wasn't sure on how to use my blog. So here goes. If you want to comment on the site or anything that you have read, just go to the comment envelope on the lower right hand corner, and fire away. To see previous posts, go to the right side, and find ARCHIVES, for example, my previous posts from New Orleans, are in the November archives, and so on. Hope that helps all those that are not to sure on how to get it going. Have fun, and stay safe.


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Up date

Hey all, just a quick up-date as to what is happening from here. Recieved a letter from a couple of my friends in New Orleans. They say that things are still very "ruff" in the city, but they are now starting to move into the city to help people and families that are still very much affected my Katrina. God Bless you guys for the work that you are doing, I know by your letters that you folks feel very much alone. Just to let you know that there is not one single person that I have spoke with that doesn't want to help or be of assistance in some way. Anyway, people @ NOBTS, we' re praying for you all.



Saturday, December 03, 2005

Clean up

Just recieved a e-mail yesterday from my friend in New Orleans, said that they still are need of lots of help, and they are just starting, finally, to get out onto the streets to assist people with the many problems that they are facing. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for the people that have been dis-placed, lost all their personal belongings, homes, friends and family. Wow, what life changing events they must be going thru. Every second is a new learn experience for them. Pray that everyone, from evacuees to clean-up crews are cared for, fed, and provided for.
